During uniocular visual acuity testing, these adhesive patches allow you to easily occlude each eye over your patient’s own glasses. The patches will not stick to the face or hair and are easily removed, leaving no residue. Simply peel to remove and press onto the second lens to test the other eye.
You will receive a set of five reusable occluding patches in a wallet (3 patterned, 2 plain).
Four of the occluding patches are 6.5 cm discs that cling to the spectacle lens to obscure vision of one eye when testing the other. The fifth patch is smaller in size and ideal for use on very small glasses lenses that don’t provide enough lens area to cling to for the larger patch to stay in place. The smaller patch can be used on its own or with any of the larger patches. They press together and pull apart easily.
Each patch can be used repeatedly. Wipe with a damp cloth to clean and to retain its clinging properties and keep in the wallet provided between uses.
There are three fun designs (smiley, pirate, pink flower) and two plain white. The choice of patterns helps to encourage a nervous child to acquiesce to uniocular testing.