Yoked Rotating Prisms (VTE)

Yoked prisms are a pair of prisms (one for each eye) with bases oriented in the same direction, used in behavioral vision therapy to treat perceptual visual problems and neuro-rehabilitation


    • What they are:

      Yoked prisms consist of two prisms of equal power, one for the right eye and one for the left eye, with their bases aligned in the same direction (either left, right, up, or down). 

  • How they work:

    When viewing through yoked prisms, objects appear to shift towards the apex of the prisms. This shift creates a change in the perception of space and can induce greater magnification. 

  • Uses in Vision Therapy:
  • Treating perceptual visual problems: They are used to treat problems such as poor hand-eye coordination, difficulty climbing stairs, optic ataxia, impaired field awareness, and to trigger spontaneous exploration. 
  • Neurorehabilitation: They’re used in neurorehabilitation for conditions like visual neglect, hemianopia, and abnormal egocentric localization. 
  • Autism: Yoked prisms have been used in behavioral vision therapy for children with autism.